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Understanding NFTs


I'm an artist and software developer living in Toronto. I believe deeply in the power of online communities to help with demystifying and supporting users to become better informed.

I have not been following the NFT (non-fungible token) conversation besides receiving the occasional message from ex-coworkers asking me if I've made it rain, or if I want to join a crypto platform.

I have a few peers who are avid supporters and a few who are complete skeptics. In all likelihood you're an artist or maker like me, wondering why you should or shouldn't hop onto this train.

To benefit and participate in NFT (and by extension, crypto) longterm, I discover that one needs an elaborate understanding of both code, law, and finance, the latter two of which I don't understand well. This makes the whole area of cryptocurrency, de-fi and NTFs really hard for me to be excited or creative about.

For the months of September and Hacktober I'm going to learn all I can about NFTs and blog about it.

PS: I had a short stint as an academic and you can find my previous writing.

These series of essays are a project commissioned by the Open Secret Festival and KW Berlin.